(as John always said)
My brother-in-law, John was in town on a tour with a football team from Terra Haute, Indiana. There were 40 football players and a total of about 140 people. Seemed like a nice group of people. They had come from Rome, were in Firenze for 24 hours, and then left for Venezia today around 2. They play only one game while there are here in Tireste. I had a test today in school. I got 88 out of a 100. Worse than my last test of 92. John was to call when he arrived. I went home after the test and called John then. They were just apporaching Santa Croce when I called. He was a minute from here. They were gathering in Piazza Santa Croce before leaving on their walking tour. Before that we went out for lunch. We met Cosmo, Fortuna and Leo three of the leaders on the tour. We went to a little wine, cheese, prociuto place one minute away. We had lots of meet, cheese and too much wine. It was a lot of fun as they were all very relaxed and having a lot of fun. We met at 2 for the walking tour. It was raining.
The entire group in front of Santa Croce
We all had earphones so we could hear the guide without him yelling. Most of the tour groups you see use these. That's why so many tourists are almost run over by crazy Italian drivers. They are concentrating on what is being said instead of looking out for traffic. John and i are standing on Ponte Vecchio.
John and Jonathan being tourists in the streets of Firenze.
our guide
Jonathan is talking to my sister Sheri. I couldn't believe we were all standing around on the Piazza talking to Sheri as she was getting ready to go to work.
John still taking to Sheri posing in front of Santa Croce.
The team
John and Cosmo. Cosmo is the official photographer of the tour. He was taking a video of the trip. He was a very dear Italian man who lives in London. We had a nice talk with him about Italy.
John decided to stay over at our place as it was easier than going out to his hotel. Our sofa turns into a bed so it worked out beautifully. We got up the next morning and went to the San Lorenzo area to go shopping on the street market and in the central market. We were shopping for Sheri and her crazy kids, Kylie and Aanna. I'm not going to tell you what we got.
Hmm. what should we get?
What are you looking at, John?
Let's buy vegetables and fruit for the girls!
The Italian Mafia.
The three studs!
Jonathan carrying the important luggage back to the bus.
John doing a deal on the street.
Saying goodbye to John.