A dramatic thunderstorm on a hill overlooking Firenze!
Yesterday and the day before I spent on a hill overlooking Firenze. It has taken me five weeks to make it up there. It totally changed my feeling toward the city. The view is spectacular as you will see in these pictures. These pictures I took on Sunday but yesterday I wish I had my camera because the weather was so dramatic. I decided to study up there. I was sitting in the sun for two hours when suddently I felt some water on my neck. I thought someone was splashing me with water as the sun was still shining. Then I realized there was one black cloud right over the church where I was sitting. It started raining rather hard so I had to take cover. I watched as the rain swept across the city. Then lightening and crackling thunder hit. It was very dramatic. It didn't, however, rain THAT hard. I waited a while. There were still dark clouds coming in but it just wouldn't rain so I finally decided to head down the hill back home. Well, just as I was leaving it the heavens let loose. I got soaked but did find cover in a little cafe. I just stood there reading my book for about an hour until it let up a bit and I could walk home. A fun day. I love thunderstorms. They always remind me of Iowa.