Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good-bye party for Priscilla
My Italian class changes almost weekly as people are here studying for different lengths of time. Priscilla was here a month. We will miss you. I will miss you making your crooked mouth when you make a mistake in Italian. Class won't be the same without you. Sorry I missed you Saturday and Sunday. We met at Santa Croce and then went to a little Turkish, Russian, Italian restaurant. Jonathan and I go there almost daily because the owner is a dear man, the food is quite good and very reasonably priced. He set a nice table for us up front by the door. Andrea made a chocolate cake. After the nice dinner we went to watch the European soccer tournament. Julianne knew of a place we could watch it on a big screen outside. It was fun seeing all the Germans cheering.

Priscilla (US), Julianne (Germany), Mitsuko (Japan), Dario (Holland)

At the restaurant about to eat Andera's cake.

Andrea-a nurse from Washington D.C. about to marry an Italian man
Priscilla enjoying her cake.

Watching the European soccer tournament.


Tina (Germany)


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